Calverton carboot sale

NG146PE Calverton, Nottingham, United Kingdom
0 Photos
4.20 Rating

Where to find Calverton carboot sale? Calverton carboot sale is located at NG146PE Calverton, Nottingham, United Kingdom in the state Nottingham, United Kingdom. What is the phone number of Calverton carboot sale? The place can be reached through its phone number, which is 07802 908183. The local time zone is Europe/London. The current local time and date is . You can go to their website for more information, The website is

Today, If you want to go to Calverton carboot sale, the sun rises in Calverton carboot sale at 07:14 and sets at 16:21. You can see the moon rise at 13:28 and set at 20:26 Nov 07, 2024.


Review *** (16/07/2018 20:19)
For your chance to win this weeks VIP winners pitch at Calverton carboot sale THIS SUNDAY which includes....
?a FREE pitch with the use of 1 table... ?FREE breakfast cobs for 2 people ?FREE hot drinks for 2 people ?FREE bag of Shelly's donuts plus more hot drinks
all you have you have to is.....
✏️'comment' leaving your name underneath the original picture on our page
And feel free to ?✨ ?SHARE ?✨ ?SHARE ?✨?SHARE this competition!!
Winner will be selected at random and announced this Saturday!!!! Keep your eyes on our page for the announcement around 6pm
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Review ***
its an excellent car boot -the biggest and best in the area,

im seeing negative comments ,

ah well theres got to be someone hasn't there!!!.

Be polite and ask buyers to wait till youve set up,

they dont say what f--shit yer selling today do they? and they dont expect to be told to f----off-

im not sure what people expect from selling on '' the boot'' if you dont like it dont

sell ,have a walk round then come back and set up

alternatively GO HOME- IM SURE YOULL BE MISSED!!!!!

Review *** (02/07/2018 01:11)
??COMPETITION TIME?? ??????????� ���? For your chance to win this weeks VIP winners pitch at Calverton carboot sale THIS SUNDAY which includes....
?a FREE pitch with the use of 1 table??... ?FREE breakfast cobs for 2 people ?? ?FREE hot drinks for 2 people ?FREE bag of Shelly's donuts plus more hot drinks?? ??????????� ��� all you have you have to is.....
✏️'comment' leaving your name underneath the original picture advertising our new THURSDAY CARBOOT SALE on our page ?????
And don’t forget the more people that share on social media will create a bigger and better car booting experience for sellers and buyers so feel free to ?✨ ?SHARE ?✨ ?SHARE ?✨?SHARE this competition!! ?????
Winner will be selected at random and announced this Saturday!!!! Keep your eyes on our page for the announcement around 6pm
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