Where to find Quadrant Shopping Centre? Quadrant Shopping Centre is located at 125 Main St, Coatbridge ML5 3AJ, UK in the state Scotland, United Kingdom. What is the phone number of Quadrant Shopping Centre? The place can be reached through its phone number, which is +44 1236 435471. The local time zone is Europe/London. The current local time and date is .
Today, If you want to go to Quadrant Shopping Centre, the sun rises in Quadrant Shopping Centre at 07:42 and sets at 17:18. You can see the moon rise at 19:45 and set at 08:30 Feb 15, 2025.
Review *** (25/01/2017 03:48)
Iceland great bargains
Review *** (29/07/2017 17:26)
Due to local authority raising the rates and changing the contracts, this once bustling place is now almost empty.
Review *** (24/04/2017 19:55)
Used to be a lovely building. Now full of zombies and cheaper shops.