Ruslan Russian

19 Highfield Road, B13 9HL Birmingham, United Kingdom
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5.00 Rating

Where to find Ruslan Russian? Ruslan Russian is located at 19 Highfield Road, B13 9HL Birmingham, United Kingdom in the state Birmingham, United Kingdom. What is the phone number of Ruslan Russian? The place can be reached through its phone number, which is 0044 121 449 1578. The local time zone is Europe/Paris. Daylight saving time is in force in the area now. The current local time and date is . You can go to their website for more information, The website is

Today, If you want to go to Ruslan Russian, the sun rises in Ruslan Russian at 08:03 and sets at 19:39. You can see the moon rise at 08:38 and set at 19:49 Oct 03, 2024.


Review *** (03/01/2018 05:19)
This is a trial video slide show to help beginners with the alphabet. Please let me have feedback. If the idea works, then I have a lot of pictures that I can use to make something much longer.

Review *** (09/01/2018 23:56)
Thank you to all those who have "liked" or "followed" my new Ruslan page. I am delighted to have so many contacts so quickly. And I am still only halfway through my email lists sending notifications! My apologies to people who have had the info more than once, the system I have isn't foolproof.
If you are in a class or teaching a class, please pass the contact details on next time the class meets. Спасибо!

Review *** (25/05/2018 21:28)
Published today at last! The new Ruslan handbook for teachers "Игры на уроках русского языка". I started collecting games for the Russian language classroom in 1976. Now here they are, all in one book and with lots of extras at es. Thanks to teachers who helped. I'll post you a free copy after the holiday week.

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