Where to find Petits Pieds Jolis Rêves? Petits Pieds Jolis Rêves is located at 17 Rue Sainte-Barbe, 67600 Sélestat in the state Bas-Rhin, France. What is the phone number of Petits Pieds Jolis Rêves? The place can be reached through its phone number, which is +33388826541. The local time zone is Europe/Paris. The current local time and date is . You can go to their website for more information, The website is http://www.petitspieds-jolisreves.com/.
Today, If you want to go to Petits Pieds Jolis Rêves, the sun rises in Petits Pieds Jolis Rêves at 08:11 and sets at 17:12. You can see the moon rise at 00:32 and set at 11:03 Jan 21, 2025.
Review *** (06/04/2018 22:17)
C'est encore plus joli en vrai! Alors à très vite!!
Review ***
Beaucoup de choix pour des pieds fin, de très bon conseils!
Review ***
Super accueil! Des chaussures de qualité et une vendeuse qui sait vous conseiller!