Where to find Bar Tabac PMU LE BRIGANTIN? Bar Tabac PMU LE BRIGANTIN is located at 610 Rue de Normandie, 29200 Brest, France in the state Brittany, France. What is the phone number of Bar Tabac PMU LE BRIGANTIN? The place can be reached through its phone number, which is +33 2 98 01 10 35. The local time zone is Europe/Paris. The current local time and date is . You can go to their website for more information, The website is http://le-brigantin.fr/.
Today, If you want to go to Bar Tabac PMU LE BRIGANTIN, the sun rises in Bar Tabac PMU LE BRIGANTIN at 08:50 and sets at 17:24. You can see the moon rise at 10:33 and set at 17:48 Dec 02, 2024.
Review *** (31/05/2017 13:54)
Un bon endroit pour se réhydrater après une séance de sport sur les rives de Penfeld.
Review *** (12/11/2017 01:39)
A celui super sympa toujours le sourire que ce soit la patronne ou les employées
Review *** (28/07/2017 16:43)
Très bien reçu très bonne embiance et surtout ouvert le week-end le personnel très agréables