Where to find Stade Municipal Gérard Martin? Stade Municipal Gérard Martin is located at 7 Rue de Keraison, 29680 Roscoff, France in the state Brittany, France. The local time zone is Europe/Paris. The current local time and date is .
Today, If you want to go to Stade Municipal Gérard Martin, the sun rises in Stade Municipal Gérard Martin at 08:22 and sets at 17:37. You can see the moon rise at 16:14 and set at 06:25 Nov 14, 2024.
Review *** (27/05/2017 14:06)
Review *** (31/07/2017 22:00)
Ce n'est pas la photo du stade, c'est la chapelle Ste Barbe